no more falling out of my purse, in the floorboard of my car, sticking out of my pockets. It's time for me to get back on and stay on! So, I'm getting organized with my coupons. Our grocery bill is probably about $1500 per month!!!!!! That's a big hunk of money! I start off real good and clipping coupons, but then I just lose steam.I fall off the coupon wagon. So, I NEED to pay attention to my food costs and try my best to keep them down. We never see those groceries again.just the boxes in the trash. Watch him! As they are bringing in the bags from the car, I swear he takes a couple bags to his room for "safe keeping". My Jordan (he's the tiny skinny 10 year old) guy. I'm not even sure it actually ever makes it to the refrigerator and cabinets. I feel like I go to the store, bring it home, go to the store, bring it home - a vicious cycle. My resolution is e coupons! Here's the deal.I'm a mom of 6 kids.3 of them are teenagers! Do you have ANY clue just how much teenagers eat? What about 6 kids? Seriously, I know my mom told me this 10 years ago, but I couldn't imagine just how much they could eat. Me too! But, today I want to share a different kind of resolution. Most people start off each new year wanting to make more healthy choices. My friends at Freebielicious and I want to share some of our goals and resolutions for 2014 with you! To help you get a jump start on the new year we've also added some freebies that may help you reach your own similar goals. Ok, on to seriousness! The whole point to New Year Resolutions are to begin new and better habits.

Old habits certainly are easier, aren't they? When I think of New Year Resolutions here are some of my first thoughts. Yet, as soon as the hustle and bustle of school starts back - I drift right back into my old habits. Do you set New Year Resolutions? I usually set 1 or 2 goals or promises to myself - well meaning of course.